“Bold and long overdue… Makes the complexities of planet-scale economic and environmental interconnectivity fun.”
New Scientist
“I absolutely love this book. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the scale of the global challenges we face, then read this book. There Is No Planet B is full of practical guidance, evidence-based and robust, yet completely accessible, and sets out the difference any one of us can make. In an increasingly complex and confusing world, this book stands out as a beacon of common sense, clarity and – crucially – hope.”
Caroline Lucas MP
” … a lively and cogent assessment of what is happening to the Earth’s biosphere and resources. He tells us what we can do if we want to make a difference, and tread more softly on the planet. All citizens should be grateful for this information-packed and wide-ranging primer.”
Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and author of On the Future: Prospects for Humanity
“Fascinating, insightful, important and entertaining. We need books and thinkers like this to inspire people to act now, not only to motivate a debate. This book is full of useful insights and advice on how you and I can make a difference, every day. Climate change is no longer a distant threat, but a visible reality. With a deep and wide ranging analysis this book sparks the activist in all of us.”
Jesper Brodin, CEO, Ingka Group
“Mike has created a wonderfully abundant buffet-table of knowledge about sustainability and you can enjoy it all at one sitting or benefit from visiting for bite-size chunks. Either way, you’ll come away wiser, healthier and also entertained. In our household, we noticed people couldn’t resist picking up a draft copy for a quick look and dipping in for far longer than they’d expected. Mike doesn’t preach, instead he shares his insights with warmth and wit, and his book could not be more timely.”
David Shukman, BBC Science Editor
” … does not have all the answers, but certainly makes a noble start.”
Financial Times
“… a massively entertaining compendium of bite-sized facts… It’s also massively important, given the current state of the planet.”
Bill McKibben, author of Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?
“Who should read There is No Planet B? Everyone. Mike Berners-Lee has written a far-ranging and truth-telling handbook that is as readable as it is instructive.”
Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker, author of The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
“A much-needed, critically important, straight-talking handbook for absolutely everyone on our long-suffering planet. We ignore it at our peril.”
Mark Carwardine, co-author (with Douglas Adams) of Last Chance to See
“It asks all the searching and systemic questions I want to ask as humanity peers over a precipice…and has a bloody good go at answering them with data, experience and integrity.”
Pooran Desai, OBE, Co-founder of Bioregional Development Group, and International Director of Bioregional’s One Planet Communities programme, and author of One Planet Living.
“Mike Berners-Lee has a unique ability to communicate vital information on some of the world’s most pressing challenges. In this highly readable book, he shows how severe our problems are, but also what we can do to reduce the threats we face.”
Chris Goodall, Author: Ten Technologies to Fix Energy and Climate and The Switch: How Solar, Storage and New Tech Means Cheap Power For All
“What is amazing and unique about this wonderful book is that it simultaneously addresses the practical every day questions troubling so many of us in these turbulent times while also clearing away the fog obscuring our paths into the future. And it does so in beautifully clear language. This truly is ‘The Handbook’ we all need to flourish on our small planet.”
Stewart Wallis, Executive Chair, WEAll – The Wellbeing Economy Alliance.
“This clearly written and organized book is so sensible and useful that it becomes an unexpected aesthetic pleasure as well as a guide to action. No matter how much you already know, this book will help orient you to where we are now on this, the only planet we have (I can testify that Mars won’t do). It would be best if everyone read it.”
Kim Stanley Robinson, author of the Mars trilogy and New York 2140